Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Things Are Going Forward

Not many posts here because I've been busy programming! I am on my last week of summer vacation so it is a bit sad, but boy, I have done a lot during those weeks. Now I am done with the arena battle engine (clan vs clan), I am done with a system that let players put their heroes in a duel-queue and then schedule games in one vs one and the duel-engine is done as well. I have fixed the system that allows me to save the games and watch them later and sort them depending on clan.

Yesterday I started working on an adventure engine and it is finished to 95%. This is one of the things players can do between turns and duels. Every clan gets 50 actions points at the beginning and it costs 10 to let one of your heroes go on an adventure, 20 to travel between two villages. I'll add more things to do for those points, at the moment that is all.

Adventures is working like this. You select a hero, hit a button, the game-engine looks at what is happening which could be anything from fighting an easy goblin to fight a very tough opponent in one vs one. You can also end up finding treasures without fighting. For all this your hero gets experience and if you're lucky money and loot. The fights are pretty detailed, just like in the duels and some of the NPCs have skills and so on.

Next big thing I'll do is to work on the war-engine which is a somewhat just like arena just that you have a lot more on both sides and not neccesary even numbers.

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