Friday, July 3, 2009

Last class : Druid

The Druid is a very hard enemy to fight because you never know from round to round how they will fight. They're very unpredictable with their shape shift abilities. They are great group members thanks to their all-round abilities. The group-heal is one of the best in the game but they also have a single target heal and a bark skin buff that helps the whole group to absorb damage. They can shape shift into a wolf and fight more like a rogue or into a bear and become a lot harder to kill almost like a warrior. Some druids prefer to fight with a club and a small shield though and they wear studded armor.
Basic Abilities

Group Heal (1-4 to all in the group),
Heal (1-6 to the friend )
Shape shift: Wolf (+15 weapon skill, +4 damage, +10 initiative, no block, +10 dodge, no range attacks, -1 AF),
Shape shift: Bear (strength +2, AF +3, no block, +5 dodge, +5 parry, no range attacks),
Bark skin (+1 AF to all the members in the group. )
The druid is the 10th and last of my classes in this game. I might add more classes in the future but not now in development because it takes quite a job with programming skills/spells and everything.

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